Freshop Admin Guide for Personal Shopper

Freshop Admin Guide for Personal Shopper

1. Sign In

1. Go to where you will be taken to the Freshop Admin Sign In page.
2. Login. You will need an admin user login to access Admin; if you do not then please contact your supervisor or

Freshop Admin Sign In page.

3. Once signed in, you will be brought to the Dashboard.
The Dashboard gives a quick overview of the activity on your site for the day. Not all Admins have access to all of this information, just Managers. User Access Roles are outlined here.  For example, Pickers just have access to the Orders menu (see left navigation); when logged in they will only see options for the links in navigation menu they have access to.

Freshop Admin dashboard.

2. Review Orders

1. Selecting Orders will bring you to a page that lists all of your orders.

If you have multiple stores, you can narrow searches for particular orders you want to show by: Stores, Status, Fulfillment Type, Date Range, or you can search by a customer’s order number, name or email address (Search field).

Order table that shows list of open orders.

For each order, you will see fields for an ID#, Store Number, Order Status, Fulfillment Type, Payment Type, Order Due, Contact Person and Order Summary. You can arrange how this info is displayed by clicking any of the following: Store Number, Order Status and Order Due. There is also a drop-down on the far right, once selected it will give you the following list:

A list of options available in the far right dropdown menu on the order list page.

These will allow you to:
Process Order: Allows personal shopper to start picking the order
Print Pick List: Allows personal shopper to print a paper pick list to pull products from
Print Receipt: Allows personal shopper to print a receipt to put with the customer’s order
Print Bag Tags: Allows personal shopper to print the bag tags that go on each bag of the order. Helps to insure no bag is left behind
Mark Order as Live: Test orders can be marked as Live orders for processing to occur
Change Pickup/Delivery: Allows personal shopper to update the fulfillment type
Edit Summary Line Items: Allows personal shopper to edit the summary line items
Edit Payment: Allows personal shopper to edit the payment
To start processing an order you can either select Process Order from the above drop-down, or click on the green ID number of the order you want to work on. This will open that particular order and provide all of the customer and product information you need to start picking that order.

You will see how many orders the customer has placed, the checkout summary (item total – anything in red is a deduction. To adjust the tax and service fees manually select the “Change” link – this is helpful for additional bottle deposits or service fee adjustments), Order Status, and an option to cancel the order. The items on the order are listed and detailed on the lower half of the page.

Each item will have the product image, department, name, size, UPC, price, quantity and whether it’s in the cart (has been fulfilled) or not.

An order list with product images and quantities needed.

 3. Pick the Order

To get started you must always select the status In Progress which generates the “Being Pulled” email to the customer.

The items on the order are listed and detailed on the lower half of the page. Each item will have the product image, department, name, substitution, ability to add notes, size, UPC, price, quantity and whether it’s in the cart (has been picked) or not.

As you are picking the order, take note of the Substitution instructions as directed by the customer. Their shopping list will dictate whether they will accept a substitution or not. It is recommended you add a note if a substitution is made explaining the reason for the change.

If a substitution is necessary, click on the link and a search box will enable you to search for products via name or UPC. Select the product to swap out, then “Save”. Once the list is refreshed, it will put a line through the old item and add the new item, notifying you that the substitution was made. The estimated total will update as you pick items and substitute products.

If the item is not available, just click on the product title and you’ll be given a few options such as Open, Fulfilled (which will put it in the cart) or Not Available. A line will be added that reads the item is not available and a line will be drawn through the circle at the end. Additionally, if you don’t have the requested amount of an item a pop-up will appear making sure you don’t have the specific quantity, and then you should add a note as to why you couldn’t provide all that was requested.

Order summary page.

Once you have picked everything, the item check circles should all be green or somehow have been checked off at the far right of your list. The circle on the top black menu bar should also be green (this circle at the top can also be selected to check all items in the cart at once) and you can now change the order status.

4. Adding Items to Orders

Up until you start picking the order, the customer can make changes to his/her order and those changes will be reflected here. When you are ready to start picking the order, you will change the status of the order by selecting the In Progress green button above the order entries. At this point, the customer will be notified via email that you are actively working on the order and they will no longer have the option to make changes or cancel the order. However, if they contact you, as an Admin, you can make changes or cancel the order via the Order Status section of the Admin. If a customer contacts you and wants to add an item, click the green “+” at the top of the black bar, search for the product by name or UPC and enter the quantity.

All additional add-on items should be added to the list. For example, if a customer called to make changes the personal shopper should not just add items to the “Notes” section, but rather use the green “+” to add the items to the original order. This will provide a more accurate estimated total and the True-Up Payment Process will go more smoothly.

Please note – if the order total then goes over the Provisional Hold amount a new authorization may be required if a credit card was used.
If the store is using a desktop then this can be done when the order is marked as In Progress. As mentioned, a green “+” appears in the black bar at the top of the order list.

Order dashboard search pop up.

If clicked, a search modal returns and the personal shopper can add the item and it gets checked off. The status says it is “Added and fulfilled by a personal shopper” and the customer is alerted of this with the next confirmation email.

If the store is using the admin app then the item can be scanned and added to the list. Once the personal shopper updates the status from In Progress to the next one,  the + disappears as items can no longer be added to the list.

Over on the right, there’s the Payment Summary and Pick Up Instructions — if the customer has specific instructions for you, ie. “Double bag my heavy items” there is also an option for Store Notes, in case you want to send the customer particular information on his/her order. The description alerts you that this is not for internal notes but rather is information that is shared with the customer.

5. True-Up Payment Process

Items have been picked and you are ready to finalize the order total. Change the Status from In Progress, to Items Picked and Ready for POS. You’ll run the order through your POS – please be sure to create a UPC for your online orders adding in the service fee and/or promotions at the register. When you True-Up the Payment in the next step, those additions or deductions should be taken into account at the register- as the final amount you enter into the Freshop Admin will be the amount charged to the customer.

Once you have finalized the sale at the register and have a receipt # or POS Reference, you are ready to True-Up Payment and finalize the transaction. Select True-Up Payment from the Status bar. Here, you will enter in the final total of your order from the POS. The POS Reference is the receipt number. You will be asked twice for the finalized total, just to confirm you entered it correctly. If this was a credit card order, once you submit True-Up Payment, at this point the credit card is charged.

A warning message indicating the order total is not equal to the estimated total.

There will be an alert you if you are 20% above or below what the originally estimated total was. If the total amount is above 20%, the original transaction that the provisional hold was placed on will be canceled. The customer will be notified via email to resubmit payment. See “Failed Payment” section 5.2.

Once the order has been Trued-Up, you then will need to update the Status to Ready for Pick Up. This will notify the customer via email that his/her order is ready as well as provide the total charged order amount..

Once the order status is set to Ready for Pick Up, True-Up cannot be changed. Prior to setting order status to Ready for Pick Up, however, True-Up can be changed by using the Payment Summary area within the order.

The order dashboard.

If you need to make a change to the order before the customer is alerted that their order is ready to be picked up, click the green “Change” link under Order Total – click “Cancel Transaction”, verify that you want to cancel, this will take you back to the order details. Clicking “Change” under the Billed total, this will give you the “Change POS Final Amount” drop-down. Then, re-enter the information and submit.

6. Close the Order

Once the order has been picked up or delivered, you will need to change the Status to Picked Up or Delivered and then to Closed, to accurately account for orders placed and closed in your system. At any point, you can click on the Orders option in the left menu in the Admin to get a running list of orders placed and closed.

7. Failed Payment

If paying by credit card, the provisional hold is set to allow small increases over the estimated total, generally set to $5 or 10% whichever is higher. If the finalized total is higher, the hold will not cover a larger increase, and the transaction will fail.

The personal shopper is notified that the True-Up POS Final Amount has exceeded the estimated total.

A warning pop up regarding final order total.

If the personal shopper still proceeds to process the payment, an email is sent to the customer alerting them that there was a Failed Payment. The customer will then need to go to the order from the email they received and submit a new payment (they can also do this by going to My Account on the website and going to the order detail page).

The customer’s order list page will show the order with a Submit Payment button and the Order Detail page will show an error message under Payment Method.

For the Store, the Order Admin page will not have green status buttons (so the personal shopper can’t change the status to “Ready for Delivery” and have it delivered by mistake without having had the card charged) and the new status is going to say in red “new payment needed’.  Once the customer submits a new payment the store will get a new store notification email and the order should be ready to complete the True-Up process.

Order admin page.

8. Users Admin

Customers are referred to as Users on the admin site, in the sense that they use your website and app. Admin Users are administrators with different, higher permissions and clearance than Customer Users. 

Here you will be given a list of all the customers that have signed up on your site. You can research customer’s user accounts by their names and/or email addresses. There are options to reset a customer’s password, send him/her a forgot password link, view club cards associated to their account and edit contact details.

Select the User’s tab from the available menu items on the left-hand side of your page.

Edit User (Customer) page.

Search by name or email address to find customer accounts. Results can be narrowed by the Selected Store drop-down to show only results for users that have selected a particular store.
Clicking on a customer’s name will bring you to the details page for the customer.
Site – Which chain the customer’s account is associated to
Email – Customer email address
First Name
Last Name
Organization* – What group the customer belongs to
Display Name – The name the customer sees when they are logged into the site
Is Email Verified – No current functionality
Last Login – Shows what day/time the customer last signed into the site
Status – Either Active or Disabled. Used for suspending customer accounts
Selected Store – Shows the currently set store preference
Send Forgot Password Email – This will generate the password reset email and send to the email address listed on the account. For example, if a customer cannot remember his/her password you can locate their account this way and reset their password.
Change password confirmation module.

9. Impersonate User

When you are in the Users menu, view the list 0f users or search for a particular user.  Select the “Impersonate User” button under the username to start a session in a new window, logged in as the user. This provides the ability to take phone call orders and leverage customers’ past shopping history, favorites, etc. and type in a payment, if needed.

The list of users (customers) on your site.

10. Help

For assistance, please contact

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