Troubleshooting Questions for Issues with Customer Phones & Personal Shopper Devices—NEW

Troubleshooting Questions for Issues with Customer Phones & Personal Shopper Devices—NEW

Here are some questions to pick and choose from when troubleshooting a Customer Phone Issue or a Personal Shopper Issue. When entering a ticket into our Support Team (whether through the portal at or an email to it is a good idea to try to have as many of the below questions answered as possible as you will most likely get a response asking for any missing information. Providing this information from the start will help our team to review and update in a more timely fashion. 

Troubleshooting Customer Phone Issues

  1. What is the customer’s login email?
    1. What is their preferred store?
    2. If an order is involved, please include the order number if available
  2. Was the customer logged in to their account or using Guest mode?
  3. What make and model phone are they using?
  4. What version is the phone's operating system (i.e., what version of iOS or what version of Android)?
  5. Is the customer using their phone to shop via: 
    1. the website?
    2. the white label app?
    3. the Freshop Easy Online Groceries app?
  6. If using the app (whether it is White Label or the Freshop Groceries app), what version is being used (i.e, the version is shown in the bottom right hand corner of the Sign-In screen and the Profile screen)?
  7. What steps did the customer take right before the issue appeared? 
  8. If possible, please include screen capture(s) or photo(s), and/or links
  9. Have any other customers reported the same issue?
  10. Has the client replicated the customer’s issue?
  11. If the issue is related to “losing” a shopping list, confirm if the customer built the shopping list while logged in under his/her username instead of as "guest"? 

Troubleshooting Personal Shopper Device Issues

  1. What is the Personal Shopper’s login email?
    1. What is the store they are fulfilling at?
    2. If an order is involved, please include the order number
  2. What make and model of the device or phone is being used?
  3. What version is the device/phone's operating system (i.e., what version of iOS or what version of Android)?
  4. What version of the Freshop for Stores app is being used (i.e, the version is shown in the bottom right hand corner of the Sign-In screen and the Profile screen)?
  5. What steps did the Personal Shopper take right before the issue appeared? 
  6. If possible, please include screen capture(s) or photo(s), and/or links
  7. Have any other Personal Shoppers reported the same issue?
  8. Is the device running on wifi or via a data connection? 
  9. If wifi, can the issue be replicated on the desktop version or on a phone that is NOT on wifi?

Last Updated: 02/03/2020

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