Store Specific Slider Guide

Store Specific Slider Guide


Here are the steps to create a new store group and then assign one or more stores to the group. You will then need to associate each banner to a group(s) as mentioned in Step 2 and you can associate a slide with a group using Soliloquy.

Step 1 - Create a store group

1. Sign into your store’s WordPress site.
2. On the left navigation, locate and select Toolset and Post Fields.
Leftside navigation menu. Toolset is selected, and showing a secondary menu.
3. Navigate through the pages and find the listing for Store Information. Select Edit.
List of existing pages.
4. Expand the Store Group drop-down.
Store Group drop down menu.
5. Look for the Checkboxes section. 
DO NOT alter the first and second options listed: No Store Selected and Any Store Selected. Leave those as-is. These are groups available for every banner and should remain so. 
6. Instead, to add a group, click Add option.
Store Group drop down menu (continued).
7. This will open up a new Checkbox title section for you to complete.
You will only complete the Title and Value to Store fields.
As in the example below, the new group is titled “New York” and the "Value to Store" is “3.” The “Value to Store” field defaults to 1. It is recommended you increase each new group by an increment of 1. So, if the last group you added had a value of 2 like the sample, the new value here is 3. Each group should have a unique number, so by increasing by 1, you are sure to keep to that rule. If you need to recall the last value assigned, click on the expanding arrow of the group listed directly above your new group and see the "Title" and "Value to Store" assigned to that group.
Checkbox creation menu.
8. Click on the blue Save Field Group button at the bottom of the page.
Save Field Group button.
9. This will save the new group and you can now associate stores to this group.
Store Group drop down menu.

Step 2 - Associate stores to a group

1. Locate and select the Stores menu in the left navigation.  
Side navigation, with Stores tab selected revealing a drop down menu.
2. Scroll through the pages and locate the store you wish to associate to your new group and click to Edit. 
In the example, “Bay Ridge” will associate to the New York group we just created.
Existing stores.
3. In the middle of the page, find the Store Information section. Click the checkbox(es) of the group(s) this store should be associated with in relation to the image sliders.
Store Information section.
4. Be sure to click on the blue Update link to the right of the page after assigning a store to a group. Otherwise, your changes will not be saved. 
Publish section.
5. Continue to assign each store to its relative group. Once set, you can use the Site Banners menu to view existing or create new banners and assign them to groups.

Step 3 - Slider Association

1. To associate a slide to a group, select Soliloquy from the left navigation menu.
Side navigation menu with Soliloquy selected, revealing a drop down menu.
2. Locate the slider you wish to change group associations for and select Edit.
Slider group list.
There may be numerous slides assigned. 
Click the blue pencil to edit the slide you are associating. 
This will have to be done for each slide separately. 
Edit Image Slide.

3. Along the right navigation you will see a section for Store Group. Click the checkboxes of the group you want this slider to be a part of
  1. Under this Store Group section of the image itself, you may choose to select the checkboxes next to No Store Selected or Any Store Selected and/or the groups you created.
  2. If you want the image you are working on to show if a shopper has not selected a store (Make This My Store), put a checkmark in the checkbox next to No Store Selected.
  3. If you don’t want it to show, then uncheck the box.
  4. If you want this particular image to show if a shopper selects any store, not one store in particular, put a checkmark in the checkbox next to Any Store Selected.
  5. If you don’t want to show it on all store sites, but just the groups you are assigning it to, uncheck the box.
Edit Item section.
4. Make sure you click the blue Save MetaData at the bottom of this page. This will save your changes to the database.
Save Metadata button.
5. You will then x out of this page and click the blue Update button on the Soliloquy page again, so the cache is cleared from your front-end site and you can see your changes.
Publish section.
We recommend when creating a new image slider for group assignment, you title that slider something relative to the group name, that way it will be easier to locate it in your slider list.


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